
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Adding the Facebook JavaScript SDK to your site

Adding the Facebook JavaScript SDK to your site

To add this functionality you will need to update your web page html code. This will depend upon how you create your web pages as to how you add this. If you are using Dreamweaver you should switch to the code view; using Wordpress see later in this post; using a template based system you will need to edit the templates through a template editor; any other system you need to look for a source code edit feature.

Now start at the top of the page and look for an entity starting and add xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" at the end of the entity (before the closing angle bracket >). If you don't have an xmlns tag then create one as follows:


Now go down to the very bottom of the page and insert the following just before the tag: You will need to change the appID to the one provided when you register your application. Note you could instead copy and paste this section of code directly from the example that Facebook provides when you register.


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